发布时间:2009年06月30日 来源: 浏览量:758



美国众议院于2009年6月26日通过了美国清洁能源与安全法案(ACESA)。该法案是由众议院能源和商业专门委员会主席亨利·A·韦克斯曼(Henry A. Waxman)议员和众议院能源独立和全球变暖特别委员会主席爱德华·J·马基(Edward J. Markey)议员提出的。 





  • 要求电力公司到2020年,通过可再生能源发电和提高能源效率满足20%的电力需求;

  • 新清洁能源技术和能源效率技术的投资规模将达到1900亿美元,其中包括能源效率和可再生能源(到2025年达到900亿美元的投资规模),碳捕捉和封存技术(600亿美元),电动汽车和其他先进技术的机动车(200亿美元)以及基础性的科学研发(200亿美元);

  • 颁布执行新的建筑、家用电器和工业节能标准;

  • 设置美国主要碳排放源的排放总额限制,相对于2005年的排放水平,到2020年削减17%,到2050年削减80%。法案中的补充减排措施,如防止热带雨林砍伐的投资计划,将实现重要的额外碳减排;

  • 保护民众免受能源价格上涨的影响。根据国会预算办公室和环境保护局的最新分析,到2020年,该项法案将使每个家庭每天支付额外的低于50美分的成本(这其中还未考虑能源效率节省的成本)。

House Passes Historic Waxman-Markey Clean Energy Bill
June 28, 2009

The House of Representatives passed the landmark American Clean Energy and Security Act, sponsored by Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and Rep. Edward J. Markey, Chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.

This landmark bill will revitalize our economy by creating millions of new jobs, increase our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and preserve our planet by reducing the pollution that causes global warming.

“Today we have taken decisive and historic action to promote America’s energy security and to create millions of clean energy jobs that will drive our economic recovery and long-term growth,” said Chairman Waxman. “After more than three decades of being held hostage to the influence of foreign energy suppliers, this legislation at long last begins to break our addiction to imported foreign oil and put us on a path to true energy security.”

“Today the House has passed the most important energy and environment bill in our nation’s history,” said Chairman Markey. “Scientists say that global warming is a dangerous man-made problem. Today we are saying clean energy will be the American-made solution. This legislation will create jobs by the millions, save money by the billions and unleash investment in clean energy by the trillions.”

The bill contains the following key provisions:

  • Requires electric utilities to meet 20% of their electricity demand through renewable energy sources and energy efficiency by 2020.

  • Invests $190 billion in new clean energy technologies and energy efficiency, including energy efficiency and renewable energy ($90 billion in new investments by 2025), carbon capture and sequestration ($60 billion), electric and other advanced technology vehicles ($20 billion), and basic scientific research and development ($20 billion).

  • Mandates new energy-saving standards for buildings, appliances, and industry.

  • Reduces carbon emissions from major U.S. sources by 17% by 2020 and over 80% by 2050 compared to 2005 levels. Complementary measures in the legislation, such as investments in preventing tropical deforestation, will achieve significant additional reductions in carbon emissions.

  • Protects consumers from energy price increases. According to recent analyses from the Congressional Budget Office and the Environmental Protection Agency, the legislation will cost each household less than 50 cents per day in 2020 (not including energy efficiency savings).








美国环保协会(Environmental Defense Fund)
美国著名的非盈利环保组织,现有会员70多万人。自1967年成立以来,美国环保协会遵循创新、平等和高效的原则,凝聚科学、经济及法律的思想,以及和各种私人部门建立起的新型合作关系,始终为最紧迫的环境问题提供解决方案。欲了解更多信息,请访问www.edf.org, www.cet.net.cn.


Statement of EDF President Fred Krupp on House Passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act
June 26, 2009

"The American Clean Energy and Security Act is the most important environmental and energy legislation in our nations history. Todays vote is a huge achievement for the country and the climate, and we applaud Speaker Pelosi, Chairmen Waxman and Markey, and all members of the House who helped craft this landmark legislation and get it passed.

"The bill that emerged from the House has the fundamental structure we need to significantly reduce carbon pollution while growing the economy. It puts a strong cap on emissions and reorients our energy market to make low-carbon power the goal. It ensures that utility rates will stay affordable and a competitive playing field for U.S. companies.

"Todays vote opens the door for President Obama to sign comprehensive climate legislation into law this year. The extensive negotiations leading up to the vote helped form extraordinarily broad support for the bill as it moves to the Senate. Chairmen Waxman and Markey bridged the traditional sectoral and regional divides of energy politics to produce legislation that has support from labor unions and businesses across the economy, to rural interests, environmental advocates, and agriculture groups.

"The American Clean Energy and Security Act puts the U.S. on the path to significant emissions reductions, a stronger economy, and a new position of leadership in the global effort to protect the climate. We look forward to working with the Senate leadership to meet Majority Leader Reids September target for finishing committee work on the bill."


About Environmental Defense Fund
A leading national nonprofit organization, Environmental Defense Fund represents more than 700,000 members. Since 1967, Environmental Defense Fund has linked science, economics, law and innovative private-sector partnerships to create breakthrough solutions to the most serious environmental problems. For more information, visit www.edf.org.


June 29, 2009


Environmental Defense Fund

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