美国众议院于2009年6月26日通过了美国清洁能源与安全法案(ACESA)。该法案是由众议院能源和商业专门委员会主席亨利·A·韦克斯曼(Henry A. Waxman)议员和众议院能源独立和全球变暖特别委员会主席爱德华·J·马基(Edward J. Markey)议员提出的。 这一具有里程碑式的法案将通过创造数百万的新的就业机会来推动美国的经济复苏,通过减少对国外石油依存度来提升美国的国家安全,通过减少温室气体排放来减缓全球气候变化影响。 韦克斯曼主席说:“今天,我们采取了具有决定性和历史性的行动以促进美国能源安全和创造数以百万的清洁能源就业机会,这将有助于推动我们的经济复苏和长期增长。在经历了三十多年来受国外能源供给牵制的影响,这一立法最终打破了我们对进口石油的依赖,并将我们带领进入真正的能源安全之路。” “今天,众议院通过了我们国家历史上最重要的能源和环境法案。科学家们说过,全球变暖是人类造成的危险问题。今天,我们说,清洁能源将是美国人创造的解决方法。这项法案将创造数以百万的就业机会,节约数十亿美元的花销,并释放数万亿的清洁能源投资。” ACES法案包括以下几项重要条款:
House Passes Historic Waxman-Markey Clean Energy Bill |
The House of Representatives passed the landmark American Clean Energy and Security Act, sponsored by Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and Rep. Edward J. Markey, Chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. This landmark bill will revitalize our economy by creating millions of new jobs, increase our national security by reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and preserve our planet by reducing the pollution that causes global warming. “Today we have taken decisive and historic action to promote America’s energy security and to create millions of clean energy jobs that will drive our economic recovery and long-term growth,” said Chairman Waxman. “After more than three decades of being held hostage to the influence of foreign energy suppliers, this legislation at long last begins to break our addiction to imported foreign oil and put us on a path to true energy security.” “Today the House has passed the most important energy and environment bill in our nation’s history,” said Chairman Markey. “Scientists say that global warming is a dangerous man-made problem. Today we are saying clean energy will be the American-made solution. This legislation will create jobs by the millions, save money by the billions and unleash investment in clean energy by the trillions.” The bill contains the following key provisions:
美国环保协会主席克拉普先生就美国众议院投票通过美国清洁能源和安全法案发表的声明 |
“美国清洁能源和安全法案(ACES)是我们国家历史上最重要的环境和能源立法。今天的投票结果是我们国家在气候问题上取得的一个重大成就。我们要为众议院发言人佩洛西(Pelosi)、能源与商业专门委员会韦克斯曼(Waxman)主席和马基(Markey)议员、以及众议院中那些帮助构建这一里程碑式法案以及助其投票通过的所有同仁们喝彩。 这部从众议院形成的法案有着其牢固的基础结构,即我们需要在发展经济的同时大量减少碳排放及污染。ACES法案设置了一个强有力的碳排放总量限额控制,并在重新调整我们的能源市场时,将低碳电力作为目标。ACES法案将保证公众能够负担的电价水平,并为美国企业提供一个具有竞争力的平台。 今天的投票结果为奥巴马(Obama)总统在今年签署全面的气候法律开了一个好头。为这次投票而进行的广泛协商将有助于在法案进入参议院讨论投票时,建立不同寻常的普遍支持。韦克斯曼主席和马基议员为传统部门和区域之间的能源政治消除了分歧,因此,才造就了今日的ACES法案。ACES法案已经得到了从工会和整个企业经济体到农村利益、环境支持者和农业组织的广泛支持。 美国清洁能源和安全法案将引领美国进入到进行重大减排、建设强健经济体和在全球保护气候努力中重启新领导地位的道路之中。我们期待着与参议院领导者们一起合作,完成多数党领袖里德(Reid)设立的在今年九月完成法案在专门委员会工作的目标。” ### 美国环保协会(Environmental Defense Fund)
Statement of EDF President Fred Krupp on House Passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act |
"The American Clean Energy and Security Act is the most important environmental and energy legislation in our nations history. Todays vote is a huge achievement for the country and the climate, and we applaud Speaker Pelosi, Chairmen Waxman and Markey, and all members of the House who helped craft this landmark legislation and get it passed. "The bill that emerged from the House has the fundamental structure we need to significantly reduce carbon pollution while growing the economy. It puts a strong cap on emissions and reorients our energy market to make low-carbon power the goal. It ensures that utility rates will stay affordable and a competitive playing field for U.S. companies. "Todays vote opens the door for President Obama to sign comprehensive climate legislation into law this year. The extensive negotiations leading up to the vote helped form extraordinarily broad support for the bill as it moves to the Senate. Chairmen Waxman and Markey bridged the traditional sectoral and regional divides of energy politics to produce legislation that has support from labor unions and businesses across the economy, to rural interests, environmental advocates, and agriculture groups. "The American Clean Energy and Security Act puts the U.S. on the path to significant emissions reductions, a stronger economy, and a new position of leadership in the global effort to protect the climate. We look forward to working with the Senate leadership to meet Majority Leader Reids September target for finishing committee work on the bill." ### About Environmental Defense Fund
2009年6月29日 |