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Interim Convention on Conservation of North Pacific Fur Seals


Done at Washington on 9 February 1957


(expired 14 October 1984)


The Governments of Canada, Japan, the Union of Soviet Socialist

Republics, and the United States of America,


DESIRING to take effective measures towards achieving the

maximum sustainable productivity of the fur seal resources of

the North Pacific Ocean so that the fur seal populations can be

brought to and maintained at the levels which will provide the

greatest harvest year after year, with due regard to their

relation to the productivity of other living marine resources of

the area,


RECOGNIZING that in order to determine such measures it is

necessary to conduct adequate scientific research on the said

resources, and


DESIRING to provide for international cooperation in achieving

these objectives,


Agree as follows:


Article I


1. The term "pelagic sealing" is hereby defined for the purposes

of this Convention as meaning the killing, taking, or hunting in

any manner whatsoever of fur seals at sea.


2. The words "each year", "annual" and "annually" as used

hereinafter refer to the Convention year, that is, the year

beginning on the date of entry into force of the Convention.


3. Nothing in this Convention shall be deemed to affect in any

way the position of the Parties in regard to the limits of

territorial waters or to the jurisdiction over fisheries.


Article II


1. In order to realize the objectives of this Convention, the

Parties agree to co-ordinate necessary scientific research

programs and to cooperate in investigating the fur seal

resources of the North Pacific Ocean to determine:


a) what measures may be necessary to make possible the maximum

sustainable productivity of the fur seal resources so that the

fur seal populations can be brought to and maintained at the

levels which will provide the greatest harvest year after year;



b) what the relationship is between fur seals and other living

marine resources and whether fur seals have detrimental effects

on other living marine resources substantially exploited by any

of the Parties and, if so, to what extent.


2. The research referred to in the preceding paragraph shall

include studies of the following subjects:


a) size of each fur seal herd and its age and sex composition;


b) natural mortality of the different age groups and recruitment

of young to each age or size class at present and subsequent

population levels;


c) with regard to each of the herds, the effect upon the

magnitude of recruitment of variations in the size and the age

and sex composition of the annual kill;


d) migration routes of fur seals and their wintering areas;


e) numbers of seals from each herd found on the migration routes

and in wintering areas and their ages and sexes;


f) relationship between fur seals and other living marine

resources, including the extent to which fur seals affect

commercial fish catches, the damage fur seals inflict on fishing

gear, and the effect of commercial fisheries on the fur seals;


g) effectiveness of each method of sealing from the viewpoint of

management and rational utilization of fur seal resources for

conservation purposes;


h) quality of sealskins by sex, age, and time and method of



i) effect of man-caused environmental changes on the fur seal

populations; and


j) other subjects involved in achieving the objectives of the

Convention, as determined by the Commission established under

Article V, paragraph 1.


3. In furtherance of the research referred to in this Article,

the Parties agree:


a) to continue to mark adequate numbers of pups;


b) to devote to pelagic research an effort which, to the

greatest extent possible, should be similar in extent to that

expended in recent years, provided that this shall not involve

the annual taking by all the Parties combined of more than 2,500

seals in the Eastern and more than 2,200 seals in the Western

Pacific Oceans, unless the Commission, pursuant to Article V,

paragraph 3, shall decide otherwise, and


c) to carry out the determinations made by the Commission

pursuant to Article V, paragraph 3.


4. Each Party agrees to provide the Commission annually with

information on:


a) number of black pups tagged for each breeding area;


b) number of fur seals, by sex and estimated age, taken at sea

and on each breeding area; and


c) tagged seals recovered on land and at sea;


And, so far as is practicable, other information pertinent to

scientific research which the Commission may request.


5. The Parties further agree to provide for the exchange of

scientific personnel; each such exchange shall be subject to

mutual consent of the Parties directly concerned.


6. The Parties agree to use for the scientific pelagic research

provided for in this Article only government-owned or

government-chartered vessels operating under strict control of

their respective authorities. Each Party shall communicate to

the other Parties the names and descriptions of vessels which

are to be used for pelagic research.


Article III


In order to realize the purposes of the Convention, including

the carrying out of the co-ordinated and co-operative research,

each Party agrees to prohibit pelagic sealing, except as

provided in Article II, paragraph 3 in the Pacific Ocean north

of the 30th parallel of north latitude including the seas of

Bering, Okhotsk, and Japan by any person or vessel subject to

its jurisdiction.


Article IV


Each Party shall bear the expense of its own research. Title to

seal-skins taken during the research shall vest in the Party

conducting such research.


Article V


1. The Parties agree to establish the North Pacific Fur Seal

Commission to be composed of one member from each Party.


2. The duties of the Commission shall be to:


a) formulate and co-ordinate research programs designed to

achieve the objectives set forth in Article II, paragraph 1;


b) recommend these co-ordinated research programs to the

respective Parties for implementation;


c) study the data obtained from the implementation of such

co-ordinated research programs;


d) recommend appropriate measures to the Parties on the basis of

the findings obtained from the implementation of such

coordinated research programmes, including measures regarding

the size and the sex and age composition of the seasonal

commercial kill from a herd and regarding a reduction or

suspension of the harvest of seals on any island or group of

islands in case the total number of seals on that island or

group of islands falls below the level of maximum sustainable

productivity; provided, however, that due consideration be given

to the subsistence needs of Indians, Ainos, Aleuts, or Eskimos

who live on the islands where fur seals breed, when it is not

possible to provide sufficient seal meat for such persons from

the seasonal commercial harvest or research activities; and


e) study whether or not pelagic sealing in conjunction with land

sealing could be permitted in certain circumstances without

adversely affecting achievement of the objectives of this

Convention, and make recommendations thereon to the Parties at

the end of the twenty-first year after entry into force of the



3. In addition to the duties specified in paragraph 2 of this

Article, the Commission shall, subject to Article II, paragraph

3, determine from time to time the number of seals to be marked

on the rookery islands, and the total number of seals which

shall be taken at sea for research purposes, the times at which

such seals shall be taken and the areas in which they shall be

taken, as well as the number to be taken by each Party, taking

into account any recommendations made pursuant to Article V,

paragraph 2(d).


4. Each Party shall have one vote. Decisions and recommendations

shall be made by unanimous vote. With respect to any

recommendations regarding the size and the sex and age

composition of the seasonal commercial kill from a herd, only

those Parties sharing in the seal-skins from that herd under the

provisions of Article IX, paragraph 1 shall vote.


5. The Commission shall elect from its members a Chairman and

other necessary officials and shall adopt rules of procedure for

the conduct of its work.


6. The Commission shall hold an annual meeting at such time and

place as it may decide. Additional meetings shall be held when

requested by two or more members of the Commission.


7. The expenses of each member of the Commission shall be paid

by his own Government. Such joint expenses as may be incurred by

the Commission shall be defrayed by the Parties by equal

contributions. Each Party shall also contribute to the

Commission annually an amount equivalent to the value of the

sealskins it confiscates under the provisions of Article VI,

paragraph 5.


8. The Commission shall submit an annual report of its

activities to the Parties.


9. The Commission may from time to time make recommendations to

the Parties on any matter which relates to the fur seal

resources or to the administration of the Commission.


Article VI


In order to implement the provisions of Article III, the Parties

agree as follows:


1. When a duly authorized official of any of the Parties has

reasonable cause to believe that any vessel outfitted for the

harvesting of living marine resources and subject to the

jurisdiction of any of the Parties is offending against the

prohibition of pelagic sealing as provided for by Article III,

he may, except within the territorial waters of another State,

board and search such vessel. Such official shall carry a

special certificate issued by the competent authorities of his

Government and drawn up in the English, Japanese, and Russian

languages which shall be exhibited to the master of the vessel

upon request.


2. When the official after searching a vessel continues to have

reasonable cause to believe that the vessel or any person on

board thereof is offending against the prohibition, he may seize

or arrest such vessel or person. In that case, the Party to

which the official belongs shall as soon as possible notify the

Party having jurisdiction over the vessel or person of such

arrest or seizure and shall deliver the vessel or person as

promptly as practicable to the authorized officials of the Party

having jurisdiction over the vessel or person at a place to be

agreed upon by both Parties; provided however, that when the

Party receiving notification cannot immediately accept delivery

of the vessel or person, the Party which gives such notification

may, upon request of the other Party, keep the vessel or person

under surveillance within its own territory, under the

conditions agreed upon by both Parties.


3. The authorities of the Party to which such person or vessel

belongs alone shall have jurisdiction to try any case arising

under Article III and this Article and to impose penalties in

connection therewith.


4. The witnesses or their testimony and other proofs necessary

to establish the offense, so far as they are under the control

of any of the Parties, shall be furnished with all reasonable

promptness to the authorities of the Party having jurisdiction

to try the case.


5. Sealskins discovered on seized vessels shall be subject to

confiscation on the decision of the court or other authorities

of the Party under whose jurisdiction the trial of a case takes



6. Full details of punitive measures applied to offenders

against the prohibition shall be communicated to the other

Parties not later than three months after the application of the



Article VII


The provisions of this Convention shall not apply to Indians,

Ainos, Aleuts, or Eskimos dwelling on the coast of the waters

mentioned in Article III, who carry on pelagic sealing in canoes

not transported by or used in connection with other vessels, and

propelled entirely by oars, paddles, or sails, and manned by not

more than five persons each, in the way hitherto practiced and

without the use of firearms; provided that such hunters are not

in the employment of other persons or under contract to deliver

the skins to any person.


Article VIII


1. Each Party agrees that no person or vessel shall be permitted

to use any of its ports or harbors or any part of its territory

for any purpose designed to violate the prohibition set forth in

Article III.


2. Each Party also agrees to prohibit the importation and

delivery into and the traffic within its territories of skins of

fur seals taken in the area of the North Pacific Ocean mentioned

in Article III, except only those taken by the Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics or the United States of America on

rookeries, those taken at sea for research purposes in

accordance with Article II, paragraph 3, those taken under the

provisions of Article VII, those confiscated under the

provisions of Article VI, paragraphs 5, and those inadvertently

captured which are taken possession of by a Party; provided

however, that all such excepted skins shall be officially marked

and duly certified by the authorities of the Party concerned.


Article IX


1. The respective Parties agree that, of the total number of

sealskins taken commercially each season on land, there shall at

the end of the season be delivered a percentage of the gross in

number and value thereof as follows:


By the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics


to Canada 15 per cent


to Japan 15 per cent


By the United States of America


to Canada 15 per cent


to Japan 15 per cent


2. Each Party agrees to deliver such sealskins to an authorized

agent of the recipient Party at the place of taking, or at some

other place mutually agreed upon by such Parties.


3. The respective Parties will seek to ensure the utilization of

those methods for the capture and killing and marking of fur

seals on land or at sea which will spare the fur seals pain and

suffering to the greatest extent practicable.


Article X


1. Each Party agrees to enact and enforce such legislation as

may be necessary to guarantee the observance of this Convention

and to make effective its provisions with appropriate penalties

for violation thereof.


2. The Parties further agree to co-operate with each other in

taking such measures as may be appropriate to carry out the

purposes of this Convention, including the prohibition of

pelagic sealing as provided for by Article III.


Article XI


The Parties agree to meet in the twenty-second year after entry

into force of the Convention to consider the recommendations in

accordance with Article V, paragraph 2(e) and to determine what

further agreements may be desirable in order to achieve the

maximum sustainable productivity of the North Pacific fur seal



Article XII


Should any Party consider that the obligations of Article II,

paragraphs 3, 4, or 5 or any other obligation undertaken by the

Parties is not being carried out and notify the other Parties to

that effect, all the Parties shall, within three months of the

receipt of such notification, meet to consult together on the

need for and nature of remedial measures. In the event that such

consultation shall not lead to agreement as to the need for and

nature of remedial measures, any Party may give written notice

to the other Parties of intention to terminate the Convention

and, notwithstanding the provisions of Article XIII, paragraph

4, the Convention shall thereupon terminate as to all the

Parties nine months from the date of such notice.


Article XIII


1. This Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of

ratification deposited with the Government of the United States

of America as soon as practicable.


2. The Government of the United States of America shall notify

the other signatory Governments of ratifications deposited.


3. The Convention shall enter into force on the date of the

deposit of the fourth instrument of ratification.


4. The Convention shall continue in force for twenty-two years

and thereafter until the entry into force of a new or revised

fur seal convention between the Parties, or until the expiration

of one year after such period of twenty-two years, whichever may

be the earlier; provided, however, that the Convention shall

terminate one year from the day on which a Party gives written

notice to the other Parties of an intention of terminating the



5. At the request of any Party, representatives of the Parties

will meet at a mutually convenient time within ninety days of

such request to consider the desirability of modifications of

the Convention.


6. The original of this Convention shall be deposited with the

Government of the United States of America, which shall

communicate certified copies thereof to each of the Governments

signatory to the Convention.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized by

their respective Governments, have signed this Convention.


Done in Washington this ninth day of February 1957, in the

English, Japanese, and Russian languages, each text equally




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