张宝副教授论文被人大复印资料《经济法学 劳动法学》全文转载
发布时间:2020年08月10日 来源:本站 浏览量:3146

近日,我所张宝副教授发表于《现代法学》2020年第2期的《生态环境损害政府索赔制度的性质与定位》一文为人大复印资料《经济法学 劳动法学》2020年第8期全文转载。






张宝,中南财经政法大学,武汉 430073 张宝(1983- ),男,安徽颍上人,中南财经政法大学法学院副教授,法学博士。


现代法学》(重庆)2020年第20202期 第78-93页



China is undergoing a reform to allow local governments to make civil claims for eco-environmental damage.However,controversies have arisen during the reform process:jurisprudential arguments existing in taking the state ownership as the legal basis for claim,logical dilemmas between government's role in administrative regulation and civil claim,as well as application disputes between government claims and public interest litigations.Although continental law countries mainly adopt pubic law mechanism to relieve eco-environmental damage while common law countries often adopt private law approach,a mixed liability regime may be more suitable for China.In this regime,the goal of government claims is to establish a public interest protection claim of "public-law-in-nature,private-law-in-operation".Its legal basis is the state's environmental protection obligation,and shall be applied to all kinds of eco-environmental damages.Priority should be given to eco-environmental authorities to apply administrative enforcement mechanisms,government claims shall be applied by natural resources authorities only when the injured environment cannot be restored,and money should be only used for alternative restoration.In addition,tools such as environmental inspections and procuratorial proposals shall be used to avoid regulatory capture in this process,and environmental public interest litigation shall be taken as a supplemental mechanism.

期刊名称: 《经济法学、劳动法学

复印期号:  2020年08期 

关 键 词:

生态环境损害/政府民事索赔/环境公益诉讼/行政代履行/eco-environmental damage/government civil claims/environmental public interest litigation/performance on behalf of the party concerned




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